Saverio Perugini, Ph.D.

Teaching Page

Veritatem facientes in caritate. ✞ JMJ ✞ Omnia in Christo. Pro Deo et Patria

Professor of Computer Science, Ave Maria University

In July 2023, I joined the faculty at Ave Maria University to start the computer science program. This page catalogues my teaching materials and activities at the University of Dayton, where I spent the past eighteen years as a faculty member in the Department of Computer Science. I will be progressively populating this page with new course materials I develop at Ave Maria University. I hope both students and faculty alike will find these teaching materials helpful.

Recent News

View Dr. Perugini's short course An Introduction to Computer Science that is part of the inaugural Ave Maria University The Pursuit of Wisdom short course series.

Podcast of the interview Dr. Perugini did on artificial intelligence on July 23, 2024 on the The Catholic Theology Show, hosted by Dr. Michael Dauphinais.

View the New Brochure for the Computer Science Program at Ave Maria University.

Webinar About the New Computer Science Program at Ave Maria University

Podcast of the interview Dr. Perugini did on artificial intelligence on September 15, 2023 on the The Drew Mariani Show, which airs on Relevant Radio.

Podcast of the interview Dr. Perugini did on artificial intelligence on June 22, 2023 on the Treasure of Faith radio show, which airs on Divine Mercy Radio

My programming languages textbook Programming Languages: Concepts and Implementation was recently published by Jones & Bartlett Learning and is now available here.

Courses and Course Lecture Notes

Helpful Pages

Prior Courses (at Ave Maria University)

(links to webpages of each of my prior course offerings)
CSCI 150. Introduction to Computing (Fall 22)
CSCI 151. Introduction to Computer Programming (Fall 23 24, Spring 23)
CSCI 152. Discrete Mathematics and Functional Programming (Fall 23, Spring 25)
CSCI 251. Algorithms and Programming (Spring 24)
CSCI 252. Data Structures and Algorithms (Fall 24)
CSCI 270. Web/Mobile App Development (Spring 24)
CSCI 350. Automata Theory (Spring 24)
CSCI 350. Programming Languages (Fall 24)
CSCI 470. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (Spring 23 25)

Prior Courses (at the University of Dayton)

(links to webpages of each of my prior course offerings)CPS 150. Algorithms and Programming I (Winter 05, Fall 04)CPS 250. Introduction to Computer Organization (Fall 13 12)CPS 341. Discrete Structures (Spring 22)CPS 343/543. Comparative Languages (Spring 14 13 11 10 09, Winter 08 07 05)CPS 352. Concepts and Implementation of Programming Languages (Spring 22, Fall 21, Spring 15)CPS 356. Operating Systems
(Spring 20, Fall 19, Spring 19, Fall 18, Spring 18, Fall 17, Spring 17, Fall 16, Spring 16, Fall 15, Spring 15,
Fall 14, Spring 14, Fall 13, Spring 13, Fall 12, Spring 11, Fall 10, Spring 10, Fall 09, Spring 09)
CPS 410. User Interface Design and Development (Spring 22, Fall 21)CPS 430/542. Database Management Systems (Fall 07 06 05)CPS 432/562. Database Management Systems II (Winter 06)CPS 444/544. UNIX/Linux Programming (Spring 20, Fall 19, Spring 19, Fall 18, Spring 18, Fall 17, Spring 17, Fall 16 15 14 13 12 10 09 08 06 05)CPS 445. Systems Programming II (Winter 07 06)CPS 452/592. Emerging Programming Languages (Fall 21, Fall 19, Spring 17, 16)CPS 482/582. Automata Theory (Spring 20)BEST 2009/10
(summer program in science, engineering, and business for high school students from Singapore, China, and the greater Dayton area)
CPS 111. Introduction to Personal Computers
(Summer I 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08, Spring 19 18 16 15 13 11 10 09, Winter 08, Fall 18 17 10 09 08 07)

Quick Reference Sheets

Spring 2025 Office Hours:
Tuesdays 3:45 PM - 5:15 PM,
Thursdays 3:45 PM - 5:15 PM,
and by appointment.
Office: Academic Building, Room 2048
E-mail: first [dot] last avemaria edu
Tel: +001 (239) 304-7920

Ave Maria University
5050 Ave Maria Blvd
Ave Maria, FL 34142

Ex Corde Ecclesiae ✞ JMJ ✞ Veritatis Splendor